Good morning everyone.
It's been awhile since we've done a little screen tour of the store on the blog so, I thought I would hop on this morning and share a bit of what we look like right now for spring. While I didn't pull a typical "spring" esthetic with piles of rabbits, eggs, nests etc (I generally find big box stores have that angle covered as soon as Christmas is over) the store definitely feels fresh and green.
I know so many areas this year were desperately waiting for the new season to come as the snow just decided to make its appearance later this year but we have come out the other side and it's a wonderful feeling.
We don't generally have a lot of succulents in the shop throughout the winter as with only the 3 windows at the front we do the grow light battle at night and it gets a little ridiulous so, instead of pushing the boundaries of light too much I just don't carry them. Now that the days are longer though we get back into this great style of plant and love getting them into fantastic containers even just simple vintage terracotta.
It's like the chicken and the egg. Who did it first? I hung a larger size of these baskets in my hallway at home on the wall and love the simple graphic effect of these seagrass baskets on the wall here. Did I copy my home or did my home copy the store? Who knows?
This size is AVAILABLE ONLINE and in store. I love them on the wall but this size is great on a table just sitting as well. It was one of those products while nothing special vintage wise or history wise still got a gasp from me when unboxing. What can I say when I love something, I love it whole heartedly.
This dracaena cane tree made an appearance last week and I added it into an antique bucket with brass strapping. This shelf is equipped with grow lights that keeps this area of the store humming at night time. I couldn't believe the difference this particular tree made to this corner "life" wise once it got placed here. There was a snake plant in that bucket previously that looked great but, the size and stature of this plant just seemed to pull the whole corner together.
The Kitchen Zone. It is one of the areas I am constantly trying to redo. I am slowly adding to our selection of great preserves and food stuffs and have plans to completely redo this space in the coming month or so with a ton of great new products that Jill and I found in New York. It's one of those things. We try to stay off the same radar as big box stores while still keeping the hostess and entertaining products at a reasonable level. There is a ton of fantastic kitchen items out there but some of them delve into the area of ridiculous in pricing for me never mind trying to make a small profit and run a business. There is always a place for the great cheap white trays that are everywhere, I own many myself.[we won't count how many]. I'm on the hunt for those kitchen pieces you can keep or give for years to come. The heritage pieces that make using them when entertaining special. The tea towels made from spun linen that will last longer than 2 washes. In our throw away society its nice to find things you really love to fit in with your everyday pieces. Anyways just my little blurb.
The black and white area of the shop. Sometimes you just need to say it without colour.
Thanks for wandering around the shop with me today.
I am off to sew up more pillows and dream up more ideas for my summer patio while doing it.
I definitely got the bug with the warmer weather.
Have a great day
What I'm listening to
Funny Not to Care: Lake Street Dive
Say Yes: Floetry