Lost and Found

*tap tap tap, is this thing on?*

Well hi there everyone. I guess I accidentally gave myself a blogging hiatus these last few weeks. As I don't do filler posts I just left myself on mute. For those of you emailing and facebooking me I am alive, thank you for your sweet concern.

We redid the basement hallway in black and then I plowed head first into the making and crafting for the Christmas market that is coming up this weekend. My day job has been a complete blast of one disaster after another that I am trying to handle more gracefully on the outside than my brain is screaming on the inside kind of like Jim Carrey as the grinch.  Also because here in Canada, Thanksgiving is over with in October my home is also decorated for Christmas and some people out there get very touchy when they see glitter too early and I'll be honest, I don't want to hear it. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!  and so does my husband so we glitz it out shortly after Halloween.

I am distracting you with photos of a show I went to last weekend with my mom called A Day in the Country sale. I look forward to it every Christmas season and it is a girls only shopping day that lets my mom and I just chilax together and hunt some nice finds.


I am working on lots of photos for Christmas that I hope to share next week. I am super excited about our decor this year and I will also share the final setup of the market I have been tirelessly working on for the last month and a half.

In order to get the Christmas photos I am hoping the sun will peek out a little this week as we have been having a huge snowstorm, polar vortex cold to 60 degrees and rainy. Odd swings for this time of year. 

I gotta hand it to you ladies and gents out there that do shows often. It is a lot of work, planning and stress. When I do my shows at home I can always run inside and grab a hammer, tape, or change. I am trying to be proactive and have everything packed up but I also don't have the nice totes to carry everything. Half the stuff is in crates, a quarter is loose and the other quarter is getting stuffed in big bags so that I can jam as much as possible into my vehicle.

I am super excited to see all of my regular customers this weekend and meet many more from the other vendors that will be there. I think I am all ready to go I still have to hunt a Christmas tree from somewhere to use for display. I am also excited to see all of my ideas come to life.
I just realized last night that in the planning of this show we also landed on small business saturday which is just awesome since we are holding an event with multiple small businesses in our area. So make sure you shop local even just a little this holiday season.


In case I forgot to mention here so far, there are a lot of great goodies coming with me. Pillows galore of course, hand dyed bottle brush trees, grainsack stockings and ornaments, and some really great vintage utensil  ornaments. There is also so much more coming with me, I hope you are all ready for some vintage splendor.


switching conversations to the actual show we are viewing. do you see the antique looking santas in the above photo? oh my word they were certainly gorgeous. i wanted the white one so badly. daryl mcmahon is a gifted artist that i have mentioned here before and his reproduction work is easily the most convincing i have seen in my travels. he hand creates all the pieces but at 250.00 my money is going to my business right now so alas i left him there.
i went to his site and borrowed the below photo so you can see this guy up close.



look at his booth. just s'wonderful.

So that's just a little update with me. I am going to be back later this week with a neat toolbox I updated with paint.

Thanks for sticking around everyone,


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