A candlelight tour

Well as we wrap up these last few days of December and we all relax after the joy, sharing and eating I have one last Christmas related post to share. I believe there will be a wrap up to the year tomorrow with the best and most popular of the year.

Today I am sharing something a little different. In blogland, whether you realize this or not most of us are not photographers. We are always waiting for good weather conditions to take our photos and almost all blogs shoot during the day. Natural daylight is what works best and showcases our homes in the best light (pun intended) to be inspiring.

At this time of year and well I suppose most times of the year, most people "live" in their homes at night. So although you are seeing my home decorated and yes the changes that happen, you aren't seeing it when we are here enjoying every inch of it. 

We live in our home at night and I thought it would be neat to see what you would see if you were invited here for dinner some time.

I decided to do a little candlelight tour of our home. You'll have to imagine the music and that you have a drink in your hand but, you get the idea. 

I only did the main floor and the upstairs hall because we did have people coming over and  once we go into entertaining mode, I don't generally remember my camera.


Have a great day,

I'm off to work, think of me you lucky bums that are still off today


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