It's been quite some time since I've shared a shop tour on the blog so here we go today.
Bits and pieces of the shop as they generally look today. I took these photos Tuesday and yesterday 2 parts of the store got moved and redone again but the gist is still the same.
The store changes up almost weekly lately as we move through seasons and new stock comes and gos. It doesn't help I am a creature of habit and always trying to change something and move something.
Welcome to Oliver and Rust spring 2019
The store is full of neutrals and great food items right now. The table above is chock full of one of my favourite food lines Salt Springs from BC.
The candied jalapenos and spicy tomato condiment are now pantry staples in my house. Just this week the roasted habanero hot sauce also jumped onto that plate of staples for me.
Always so much green peeking through. We get asked so often how we manage to grow plants in the back of the shop with no light but we are playing a hefty game of trickery as when the shop closes at night there are many grow lights that get turned on or put out to help all the plants in the back of the shop along.
The general cold and dryness has dissipated so the humidifier got put away that helps the plants through the winter months.
The shelf of white pots.
An always changing assortment of whats new or whats popular. There are still two styles of pots that we have sold in the shop since the day the store opened 4+ years ago and their popularity means they stay hanging out and finding new homes.
The wall of staple linen pillows. We currently have 5 [navy out of frame] colours in store with 2 more to come that go from season to season.
This is one of the areas that got redone at the beginning of the week.
Our kitchen shelves got tucked back together and now appears as if a wall of ironstone lives on top of them,
Thanks for joining and walking around with me today.
Happy Mother's Day weekend everyone,