Some days I just shut the door......

I have been asked recently with recurring frequency how I have a clean house all the time and still manage to work, and do all my crazy diy projects.
Well firstly, (is that a word, I don't know sounds weird today) via the world of blogs and pinterest it is so easy to get into "the my house will never look like thats". It is also easy to forget that most people have fluffed and knife-chopped their pillows (I love a good chopped pillow) and have moved all their crap behind their tripod or stuffed it into their favourite closet.

Secondly, (agh, still sounds weird) I learned from a very early age from a lovely woman also known as my mother how to be extremely organized without having to think too much about it. I have to be thankful for this gift and realize that this skill plays a huge part in my personality to " GIT R DONE" ( a little Larry the Cable for you all)

 My brain gets in a rhythm and as long as I don't sit down (haha), and have music to listen to, I can just keep trucking along until my feet tell me to sit. Kind of goes back to the "Hammy the squirrel" syndrome I was talking about the other day. I also have a wonderful husband who gets my crazy brain and is supportive of almost every hare-brained idea I come up with. He also empties a mean dishwasher.
Yesterday I finished work at 7, came home, made dinner, yanked apart a  buffet I am prepping to paint, did 2 loads of laundry, put a first coat of paint on a dresser to organized my office, put a wax coat on a stool I was working on and then wrote a blog post. It was a good day that ended in sleep.

Then some days I shut the door.

and read a book instead. 

 Below is the current state of my office. Hence the need for the organizational dresser.
 It looks like a bomb went off in here. 

A blanket bomb.

While I realize these aren't the pretty posts I usually show, it is good for me to a) note that this means I need to schedule  this into my to-do list (probably tomorrow, hopefully.... maybe, my book is really good right now) and b)show it is ok to not live in a perfect home because guess what..... we live here.

This room is the center of most of my creating and while I don't paint in here (Trevor would kill me), this is where my crafting, sewing, and etsy running happens.

The dresser is hopefully going to combine a lot of this nightmare in one place. 

Although messy I hope everyone learns to love the space they live in and can live their best life possible. I am working on this statement myself as I can get a case of the green-eyed monster when looking at other blogs as well.

Have you seen Miss Mustard Seed's newly finished kitchen?

How about Home and Harmony's recently revealed main floor?

Have a lovely happy day,

Lots of reveals coming up. So super excited.


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