Well as promised, my patio is making an appearance today.
I took a lot of things away this year to give the patio a little more room to breath, a toddler more room to tumble and give a "little" less appearance of rustic and just a smidge more of the modern look I am going for. I am not a modern person but do like the odd touches here and there and usually in white, which is what I did here.
Our table that we built last year and the chairs remain the same. The chairs are Byholma from Ikea. They are many years old now and holding up like champs. We do store them every winter from the elements so that does help with the general wear and tear as well.
I took the chandelier that was over the table down this year as we don't tend to use it very often because of the string lights we hung up 2 years ago. Instead I hung up this hanging planter with a boston fern and love having a plant over the table.
Go figure, me loving a plant over my head. Gimme all da plants!
The giant sized white planters are from the shop and I filled them with Chinese Fan Palms this year.
I was going to mulch the top of the soil to give it a nice finished look however, someone [Emma] has decided her great passion in life is to dig and play with dirt. I seriously wonder where she got it from. Either way she keeps digging the planters up so forget mulch this year and go to town kid. Make sure you pick the weeds.
The lanterns on the poles are also from the store and are that perfect matte aged wood look. They don't look like shiny bamboo so they suit our space wonderful and the glass can't come out in gale force winds which we sometimes have so, BONUS!
This year's outdoor pillow collection. All again, made by me and in store. The beige and white are a Robert Allen Sunbrella outdoor so they are super soft like indoor pillows but will last for years. The other 2 are my bit of ecelctic punch without the colour. I decided to go all neutral out here other than the plants this year. I've found that I'm really kicking it into neutral gear with colour lately. I think green has always been my thing but the sheer amount of plants I hoard has really taken care of that colour scheme so I don't feel like I need to add more.
This sofa made it's appearance last year. It is from Canadian Tire and I recovered it in Sunbrella fabric last summer. I'll include a link at the bottom of the post to easily get back to last year and see the changes from year to year.
A small corner plant hoard. Many of these plants travel from inside to outside for the summer. The concrete planter on the bottom right holds a citrus tree that was just kind of existing inside. No new growth, no change. It wasn't unhappy just not growing but now that it's outside it has gotten almost 18 new leaves in 3 weeks. woot woot!
Muehlenbeckia angel vine everywhere. Simple, green, pretty and low maintenance.
The fern wall is growing in like crazy and I love the one type of plant thing this year. This maidenhair fern can be a total pain in the house but outside in the shade with humidity it's beyond low maintenance. I only have to water this wall 3-4 times a week [consider annuals are usually daily] and it just grows like mad.
Well thanks for dropping by.
I am heading home tonight after a particularly long week to cop a squat on that couch with a big dark beer, put my feet up and get rested before our big sale at the store tomorrow.
Curious about the changes year to year? Here's last years patio
Have a good night everyone,