The pillows.
Oh the pillows.
A grown womans addiction.
could be shoes
could be purses
but if you're into home things
its likely pillows
maybe plants
maybe both.
im in the both category
and im perfectly ok with that
i mean
there are so many worse things
lets just all agree ok?
our latest release in store and online was heavy with beautiful neutrals that can pair so easily with each other but also with many others you may already own.
[like in that closet you've been organizing like a mad person lately because of a certain netflix show]
top row left to right 1.stitch 2.sage grainsack 3.baule cloth
middle row left to right 1. gray grainsack 2.lenny fringe 3. vintage cream mist
bottom row 1. harriet 2. sky naga fringe 3. gray mist grainsack
The above photo in the studio just makes me happy with the tones and textures.
and not because I am a pillow hoarder but because textiles make me happy.
I don't even know what it is about changing out the pillow covers with the season.
It's like a whole new space of possibility.
The vintage pieces above look right at home with the vintage fabrics.
On a side note my fiddle leaf fig had a smidge of a fit with the very dark fall we had along with a little heat outage. I had to switch sides of the sofa to get it closer to the window for now. It's on the mend and hopefully going to get some new leaves. Fingers crossed.
Bohemian and Rusted modern velvet
sitting on top of a new HUGE brass storage table we got into the shop. Like the top opens up and comes off for more places to stuff extra pillows. Right?!
I mean I suppose you could use it for blankets or toys or dog beds but.... pillow storage.
I took advantage of using it for some photos prior to putting it out in the shop because it is just so gorgeous.
Just a little sneak peek behind the scenes of the pillow making. My super fancy sewing attire while I hammer out the beauties that go off to live in your homes and my excited helper that cannot get enough of the camera when I take it out. Rico is like glue to my side as soon as I move any kind of camera or phone to my face to take a photo. He just wants to be the life of the party. We get the studio set up for photo shoots and Rico is instantly awake out of a dead slumber and ready to stand in front of the lens. Jill ends up on wrangling duty while I try to get the shots.
The fringe details on many of the pillows add a little bit of playful.
They are a chance to add a bit of quirk without going over the top.
Another peek at the chaos behind the pretty shots. Honestly this was a good chaos. We were only shooting for a couple pillows getting set to come out this week and this cleaned up super quick.
When we do the big collections Jill and I are stuffing and throwing pillows and there are accessories all over the place as we flip things in and out. The cutting table is on wheels so we just slide it over to the other side while we shoot the lifestyle shots to give you an idea of how these fabrics work together.
Thanks for wandering around the pillows together with me.
I love making them for you and dreaming up new collections to suit your homes.
So many great new ones in the works, lots of blue. I know many of you have been waiting for the blues and they are coming......
And maybe I will be home on a day that isn't super dark and be able to share some of the rooms in my house for winter.
Have a great day everyone,