Best in show

 I had some spare time to myself Thursday while out hunting for a few pieces for a job I am working on.

I visited a semi-local antique store I haven't had a chance to see in a few months. I did my general first round of the store and spotted the most beautiful trophy on a huge wood base.

I thought muttered to myself  "gawd, it's probably frickin' 200 dollars" since large trophies are becoming largely unattainable.

I grabbed the tag and it was not 200 dollars as I have seen many a time, it was quite a bit less.

I couldn't get it into my arms fast enough.

The lovely lady working at the store was walking around dusting various shelves.

"Can I put that on the counter for you?"

"Absolutely not"


Of course I had to explain myself at that point so she didn't think that I was just rude.

"There is a chance that if you set it on the counter and then walk away, someone may get the idea it is for sale and it definitely no longer is"

I get a little protective of my awesome finds when they are hard to find and well priced.


The new dog trophy/loving cup has found a home next to a much smaller version on our mantel. I can see so many possibilities for this as a vase.


You just never know what you're going to find on a sunny day of thrift strolling.

This day yielded a prize.

Have a great weekend,


Funky Junk Interiors 

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