After the Secretary it snowballed

You ever get that?

You start one thing and then get another idea and before you know you have 3 projects started in one room and you are praying you are working fast enough that nothing gets screwed up or goes wrong. You are praying this because your husband is at work and if he comes home and sees 3 projects started in 1 room he is going to kill your especially when 1 of them is stripping in the house. Ah the life.

So as I was loading the secretary and trying to install the most difficult knobs in the world, I started to paint my etsy storage dresser because there were now too many things going on in this room. I am not a matchy mathchy girl but, in a small space too many things painted different colours did not feel like they went and the dresser was doing a camo blend into the wall routine.

So here it is now after some #generalfinishes #snowwhite milk paint 

It is a smidge hard area to photograph as it is right in front of a bright window but you get the idea.

and of course i redid the vignette on the top. i found the amazing portrait for 5 dollars at a swap meet and love him. my obsession with all things antique portraits continues.

this sewing drawer was for sale in the shop for all of about 1 week and then when i decided to redo this room, i deactivated it because it goes with my antique sewing paraphernalia and i love it as an orchid holder. snooze you lose. of course i may change my mind in the future and find something even better. the beauty of this business of buying and selling.

This is the how the dresser has looked for about the last year and a half. I loved the colour but like I said it was blending into the wall and once I moved the secretary in, it was competition in a bad way.

Well that's it for me today folks

Off to clean teeth

Have a good one,


savvy southern style 

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