It's the time of year to banish pinecones, remove any remaining snowflakes, and get to spring fluffing or cleaning. We've been out rolling our lawn and seeding like mad to try and get everything ready for the growing season. We finally bit the bullet this year and bought a lawn roller as our lawn has just consistently gotten worse over the years and cutting it on the tractor is starting to feel like a competition for Canada's bumpiest roller coaster. We also had a bunch of trees planted in the fall to replace ones that had died and the ruts from the truck are still very evident. Two rolls in and there is significant improvement but a long way to go still.
In the house it's time to bring the house back to life and figure out which of my million or so plants are going to be making the trek outdoors in a few weeks. It was a really long winter this year [even though the snow accumulation was really not that bad] and I am ready for a new season and new growth. My dining room at home didn't really scream winter but I still gave it a bit of a mini redo for the season.
Moving some of the black pieces out and the terracotta in.
After the holiday season I replaced the grapevine balls on these urns with really full snake plants. They don't require much water or light so I dont have to worry about the hassle and I really love the height and green against the antique doors. The antique flour bin was a gift from my parents for Christmas and it fits under the urn here perfectly.
The clear glass lab vases and demijohns hold sprigs of greenery and look airy for the coming season. The tall brass planter I picked up at Target and will keep it filled with a white orchid until fall.
A vintage baby deer figurine is tucked underneath the angel vine and orchid leaves and adds a bit of quirk to our table. Nothing too fancy right now as shortly this room just won't see much use as we start eating outside every night.
My stubborn gardenia plant. Looks fantastic in this antique silverplate chafing dish but damn if I cant get the thing to keep blooming. I am pretty sure we don't keep our house warm enough to keep flowers going but there are still buds on there. As the temperatures start to increase, who knows maybe it will reward me.
This china cabinet got a little fluffing too. All of our portuguese cabbage-ware is housed on the bottom shelf and our extensive wine glass collection because you never know when you'll run out right?
I haven't changed the demijohns on top since I put them up there because I just love the look and the colour matches perfectly with the other things in the room. I cleaned them off for their twice a year buff and they are sparkling like new again.
Well that's it in this section of the house today.
Have a great day everyone,