A Summer Basement

Well good morning on this fine hump day.

Since I wandered you around my home with our new house tour on Monday. 

Click here if you missed it

I thought I would share some updates of a few of the spaces in our home for the middle of the year. Today, let's go down the steps and into the basement for some cool air and comfy chairs. 

Starting to contemplate painting this room in the fall (I know Mom, I said the f-word). I hate to say it but I really really love white rooms. By white I mean white walls and letting everything in the room take the floor. This room has character by the buttloads but it feels a little drawn back with the brown. Anyways, it's just a thought, don't throw stones.

I changed up the pillows and most of the blankets. White knits and lighter linens in place of the wool and velvets.

we have been slowly adding to our motor-sports trophy collection down here falling in love with these for cars, motorcross and flat track racing.

weeds make lovely centerpieces don't they.

snatched these by the railroad tracks by our house. always keep scissors in your car, you never know.

and i think this is your first shot of our bar area. we have had this finished for about a year but just installed the faucet in december. it has come in handy to have a running sink in the basement and a place to put some spare items in the cupboard.

we built this awkward area in between our sump pump room and our unfinished basement bathroom.(literally the only room completely untouched since our move in 5 years ago.

i designed the area around the wine cellar and found the cupboards standard at home depot. i haven't painted the doors but may in the future.

the wine cellar pulls out completely and you can walk through that hole and behind the backsplash to access things like our septic clean out and motor for the tub in our main floor bath.

our old sofa still sits on this wall to the right. no luck on the people from #ikeacanada deciding to just spontaneously drop off the green velvet #stockholmsofa for me to love and blog about. don't they know how much i would care for it. i am the green girl!

Well thanks for stopping by and shoot me your thoughts about white walls. It probably won't change my mind but I do like hearing others views on the subject. People are so left or right about the white wall thing. I myself used to have an entire house of white walls and painted over all of them. Things change I suppose.

Have a great day,


 french country cottage
craftberry bush 

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