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The start to a new week has begun.

The cool weather is upon us and I can feel my last ride on the tractor looming.

Since I started this blogging home decor journey a few years ago, there is one post that has definitely grabbed the cake for being the most popular. It steamed ahead with page views from here, Pinterest, Ana White, Hometalk, Facebook etc.

The x-base console table that Trev and I built last summer has seen its share of the then mt-tails now Oliver and Rust spotlight.

I thought I would do a little thank you for visiting so often and a review of the console tablescapes since last year.

the original photo from the original post last summer.

only a slight change for last fall, still showcasing that galvanized top

ah Christmas. i loved this large toolbox full of glitz and glamour but it proved to be a giant room divider. it won't make an appearance again this year but i still love it. sigh


winter 2013, i added a light brown stripe grainsack on top of the table for lightness and i haven't taken it off since. it's just so european pretty.


spring and green.


summer and the addition of the salty nuts can

 NOW. fall vintage fresh. (and the first photo of this table with my new camera)

I wouldn't change a thing about how we built this and it has proven to be an excellent table and conversation piece. We are proud of this cheapo piece of furniture we built ourselves and it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Thanks for voting her most popular!


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