Pinterest Inspiration: May 2013

Where the heck did May go? Between everything we have had going on this month and the mostly awful weather, this month didn't even seem to get here and it is over.

I know if the worst thing you have to complain about is the weather, you are living the good life.

But alas here we are at May 31 and that means it is a special someone's birthday.
MY DAD!!! He isn't a huge fan of birthdays so we try to keep the birthday fever pitch to a minimum. Happy birthday anyways to  the best father in the world and one of the best helpers a girl could ask for. Believe me I drag him into a lot of crap.

I didn't have tons of time this month to hang out on Pinterest, keeping busy has helped none with my addiction, I missed my picture watching and hitting the pin it button.

Here is what I did find this month and thought I would share with you.

and just as a side note: almost died of excitement to be featured on miss mustard seed's blog last night. she is amazing and shows the power of positive thinking and determination.


i have a rooster, i think i will paint it green. this kitchen is fabulous though, you should check it out.



the crate with wheels is great. then i can just roll my wine over to me no need to strain to drink. lol


i love finding new canadian blogs. this living room/kitchen remodel is great and very canadian cottage meets country modern. love it.


green towels. need i say more.



those industrial green planters. must . find. now.



the genius that is brooke giannetti and her husband. her instagram photos are giving me a visual heart attack. i am going to try to create this amazing simple trellis on my shed and a new garage wall garden i am just beginning

Hope the sun is shining on your last day of May,


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