I hope you enjoyed your tour of the basement yesterday. Welcome back to some table details.
Now if you have followed this blog for any amount of time, you know I do not love blue. It is not my favourite colour by a long shot. It's down there with pink and orange. I mostly feel this way about sky blue but, when I saw the original product shoot for Miss Mustard Seeds then new Artissimo milk paint it was like being in the V8 commercial and being hit in the head. I knew instantly that it would be the perfect colour for a table in our basement to blend into the persian rugs and still look neutral.
Oh sometimes my head is right and this one was right on the money I think,
I found the table at a thrift store and loaded and unloaded it into our truck myself on my lunch hour. It isn't light, I was dying.
It has found a new home in our basement and will find lots of use as a pizza/scrabble argument table.
i did 2 coats of artissimo milk paint with no bonding agent. i sanded the table prior to painting and luck of the draw not much chipping with this one. i added 2 coats of hemp oil which give the colour a great deep tone. i added 1 light coat of mms wax on the tabletop for extra durability
BEFORE (kind of: after sanding before)
DURING: this is the colour prior to any oil and waxing
Have a great day all,
miss mustard seed
a stroll thru life
perfectly imperfect