Notes by Meg

  • Sometimes you are looking for something specific for your home. You get an idea in your head and you have to have it right this minute. You hop in the car and drive to the nearest store. You wander down the aisles and realize maybe you are the only person who had this idea, or you're crazy becaus...
  • Part 3 commences with our basement of Christmas cheer. If you missed Part 1 or Part 2, you can follow these links for loads more holiday pictures. We got our real tree yesterday and decorated it with nature and red and ELF in the background. I kind of fell in love with the red hits for the baseme...
  • Christmas House Tour Part 2

    Sweet dreams Christmas inspiration coming at you. The bedrooms and bathroom in our upstairs receive a more subdued Christmas decoration but, share in the joy of the season.Come on up.MASTER BEDROOM:showcasing a couple of previously not shown projects including a painted floor mirror and painted w...
  • Goodwill to all!

    Sometimes, if time is on my side I make my way to the Goodwill store on my lunchhour from work. Today was one of those days, and I scored myself a ceramic Christmas tree for 5.00. Yup 5.00. It was a yucky green but, nothing my handy spray paint can't fix. A little walk to the ceramic store near w...
  • Christmas House Tour Part 1

    Holy Cow! I am a little late on the show and tell gun this year but better late than never. I have been happily tweaking my decor for a few weeks already but, am only just getting around to photographing it.I can't believe the amount of amazing ideas out there this year from all the other blog fo...
  • Another month bites the dust. Hopefully the next one is bringing some snowdust!The Christmas inspiration is coming out of everywhere these days. I find less and less I love in some of my favorite shelter mags, as they don't have the realistic creativity that regular women seem to be pumping out i...

Blogging Since 2015

This blog is written by Meg and includes tales of the renovations/ decor changes of her home and the shop she owns in Fonthill, Ontario. It goes back many years, much before the shop was born. It is like one of those stacking dolls. It started with a couple of kids buying their forever home. It snowballed into renovations, which turned into garage shows and then a store. If you are new here, welcome! We are glad you stopped by.