Notes by Meg

  • Another thing off the to-do list, which have you ever noticed you finish 1 thing and add 2 more so it never feels like you're getting anywhere. Our front hall has undergone 2 renovations since we have lived here and this past week made it number 3. The stair banisters and railings are all golden ...
  • Fall with the Tigers

    The seasons are changing and of course, so is the house. Just a quick post today with mantel pictures but, I will be sure to share some more of our fall decor in the near future. Our giant (sometimes awkward) mantel got its redressing for the season a little bit ago. It is always with a bit of re...
  • Christmas Crack

    Have you seen this magazine yet? It is like crack for people who love Christmas.As an added bonus, many of our favorite bloggers are inside. Miss Mustard Seed, Dear Lillie, and even My Sweet Savannah. I swear! Let's just hop-a-long with this fall business and bring on the glitz. I'm kidding, kind...
  • Country Living Fair Ohio

    Roadtrip! Trevor and I just returned from the amazing Country Living fair in Columbus, Ohio. We made the 5 hour trek to see what all the fuss is about. We definately found out, and brought a few goodies home to show for it. These shows are a complete showcase of goods, handmade and vintage. There...
  • Giving the green thumb a break

    I inherited a mean green thumb from my mom. It has taken a lot of cultivating but, it doesn't often fail me. If you remember from our upstairs bathroom redo back in March,  I added a lovely spiral topiary. It flourished for 6 months in this room and then within the course of 1 week, it started dr...
  • Pinterest Roundup: August 2012

    I can't believe it is September. Every year August just doesn't seem to stick around. Although summer is my favourite season and still has quite a bit of heat left in it, my inspiration has started floating to cooler months and, dare I say it...... Christmas.Anyone who knows me, knows this isn't ...

Blogging Since 2015

This blog is written by Meg and includes tales of the renovations/ decor changes of her home and the shop she owns in Fonthill, Ontario. It goes back many years, much before the shop was born. It is like one of those stacking dolls. It started with a couple of kids buying their forever home. It snowballed into renovations, which turned into garage shows and then a store. If you are new here, welcome! We are glad you stopped by.