Summer patio living' at Oliver and Rust house

It is summer and the living is full of shovels this year. 
We have been mentally preparing and saving for the plan for our backyard for plus 10 years and solidly working on bringing around the plan for the last 4.
All good things come to those with back pain and patience right?
We thoroughly enjoy projects and come up with ideas constantly.
We do much of the work ourselves like true DIYers.
We also like to grouch through the process with things that go wrong like true DIYers as well.

Our patio did not really see any of the work this year and has served more as a haven from it as, much more like an outdoor living room.
I guess it really serves for all of the things at this time of year.

Living room, dining room, conversation area, project planning zone.....

I thought I'd share what our space looks like with all the plants and imagine where you can find me writing posts like these or doing my "home"work or reading.

The one side of the patio serves as the seating area. It's an open concept plan so that people sitting at the table can still converse. I am a grey wicker lover as you can see and although all the pieces didn't come from the same place they go together and look like belong together. All the chairs are extremely comfortable for long sit times and it's important that we can lean back and put up our feet.

I don't mess around with flowers on our patio anymore. I tried with earnest for years and the lighting and intense afternoon heat just don't result in a long standing floral show. I now lean into the jungle of green much like at the store and fill the containers with a mix of lush ferns. Other than water the look couldn't be more low maintenance.

These wicker club chairs were the latest addition. They are available through the store if you are looking for something similar. I have paired them with the Daphne pillows here. These pillows are actually not intended for the chair so don't you just go dumping them on the ground. Put them on the bench in front of you and put your feet up on a cushy cushion. There, isn't that better?

Thank you for visiting.
Next time I'll have tacos and sangria ready and I'll light the candles k?

As see on Meg's patio 1. Wicker club chair [special order] 2. Edna tray 3. Vera votive 4. White concrete stripe planters 5. Daphne outdoor pillow 6. Cori planters

Article by Meaghan Gizuk
Tags: Meg's home

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